Join / Renew

The membership fee provides membership in both the High Rocky Riders OHV Club (HRR) and the Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO).

COHVCO is an advocacy organization that works for preservation of recreational Off Road Vehicle access to public lands.

New members are welcome to join HRR at any time.  However, membership must be renewed each year in May and will be valid for 12 months following the renewal.  Also, membership is valid for everyone in the same family living at the same address.

To join, or renew, you must complete an application form. You can do this online, or through the mail.

Additional Contributions Are Greatly Appreciated

♦ COHVCO uses contributions to defend our right to ride on public land.

♦ The High Rocky Riders uses contributions for trail maintenance and to help support various community groups.

♦ The High Rocky Riders and COHVCO are both non-profit organizations.

Some of the groups the High Rocky Riders have contributed to:

Chaffee County Search and Rescue
Christian Mission (provides food to the needy)
Trails Preservation Alliance
Boys and Girls Club
Buena Vista Heriterage
Buena Vista City Parks
Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition
Peoples Clinic
Ashley Tharp Scholarship
Arkansas Valley Animal Shelter


To apply online [click here].
To apply by mail [click here].

Thanks for being a High Rocky Rider.